Beurre and crème d'isigny :
ambassadors of Norman excellence

Isigny Butter and Cream are iconic dairy products of the Norman terroirHolding Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status since 1986 
(when the PDO was created), these products are made using exceptional quality milk thanks to the fertile pastures in which the cows graze. They are produced in the unique coastal and inland areas
of the 
Manche and Calvados regions, nestled in the Cotentin and Bessin marshes.

the terroir
of Normandy

Perfect combining of coastal and inland areas

The milk used to make Isigny Butter and Cream is collected in Veys Bay, in the heart of the lush, green Cotentin and Bessin marshland regional nature park.
This zone is fed by five rivers and stretches across 175 
municipalities including Bayeux, Saint-Lô, Coutances, and as far north as Cotentin.  
The influence of the ocean spray and the presence of swampy ground high in alluvium and clay produces grass of outstanding quality, which enables the production of milk that is high in fatty acids and trace elements. The PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) designation recognises the unique properties of those pastures


A guarantee of origin and expertise

Holding Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status since 1986 (when the PDO designation was created), the Isigny butter and cream meet stringent criteria under specifications that ensure their
authenticity and high level of quality. These criteria require that the milk production and all other production, processing and packaging steps occur exclusively within the defined Isigny PDO area. That European label is an official mark of quality and ensures the preservation of traditional skills and manufacturing methods

Discover PDO gourmet

Endorsed by professionals

In the kitchen, top French and international chefs agree that PDO Isigny cream has amazing flavour and sensory characteristics, whether it is spooned over or used to add a gourmet touch to a hot or cold dish. And bakers and pastry chefs around the world also love the delicate flavour and texture of Isigny PDO Butter which guarantees them a superb, flaky pastry.


Located in the Manche and Calvados regions, in the heart of the Isigny terroir, Isigny Sainte-Mère and Les Maîtres Laitiers du Cotentin are the cooperatives behind the Beurre and Crème d’Isigny AOP products.

They have been making these top-quality products for decades, while strictly adhering to the AOP specifications and upholding traditional methods.